Developmental delay
Developmental delay refers to a collective range of challenges that children may face while reaching their developmental milestones. Developmental delays can become apparent in various areas including speech and motor skills, cognitive abilities, social-emotional development, etc. although every child has its own unique developmental growth, attaining certain developmental milestones at the given age is an obligation.
Developmental delay has various causes including -
- Maternal infections during pregnancy TORCH infection
- Birth injury / birth asphyxia
- Neonatal jaundice
- Genetic /chromosomal abnormalities
- CNS infection
- Metabolic causes
There are several evident symptoms of developmental delay such as -
- Delay in gross motor milestones like delay in holding neck,rolling over,sitting ,walking etc.
- Poor or delayed language skills.
- Problem understanding in what others say.
- Speech problems. (unclear speech).
- Difficulty in remembering things and solving problems.
- Inability to connect actions with consequences.
- Among the above mentioned, the most witnessed symptom of developmental delay in a child is poor language and speech skills.
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational therapy
- Speech and language therapy
- Cognitive & behavioral therapy
- Medication